Posted by: poofergirlsperspective | October 22, 2009

Cute … to the core.

Grandma Mary went shopping …


Cute right?  We normally have lots of apples this time of year so it was quite appropriate for our little growing farm girl.  This year we didn’t get apples which this Mama farm girl is extremely thankful for!  So anyway, back to Ev … I thought today that it would be nice to take a picture or two of her in her new duds … but if only I had some apples.


Oddly enough, when an egg customer came by this afternoon to pick up eggs (that’s not the odd part) … she brought a box of apples!  cool huh? 


So we set up a blanket and a basket of apples and a cute baby in her new outfit.   Since she knew the apples were food she would barely touch them, though she did play with the leaves … she is such a goofy little girl. 


Here she is looking at Daddy … of course she is, it’s the only way I can get great smiles.  The down side to that is that she rarely looks at the camera and smiles like that.  So I settle for side views.  If Loren stands behind me she just stretches to look up and those shots don’t turn out too well. 


This is her new “thing” with Daddy.  He taught her to stick out her lower lip … but she decided her tongue was a  better idea.  We have decided not to encourage it, though she does it every time she thinks of it when she is looking at him.  Lesson learned that you have to be pretty particular with what you teach a smart baby.


Cute to the core … we tend to agree!


  1. One thing you’ll notice about teaching babies new ‘tricks’ is that they learn things like sticking out their tongue REALLY fast because they sense the tiny bit of naughtiness maybe…….she will probably do it in church tomorrow. :)

  2. I like all the pics but the last one could win a contest.Just adroable.
    Cuz June

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