Posted by: poofergirlsperspective | December 8, 2007

A house that smells like Christmas.

Well I made a wreath … and, it actually turned out.  I think so anyway …


It’s a bit “wild” but I love it.  I used three different types of pine which if I would have listened better when told, I could tell you about but regardless of their names, there are 3 varieties.  I haven’t made a wreath before and I had hoped to learn from my aunt last weekend but then the snow came so I didn’t make it.  Since I had intended to learn the proper way to create a wreath I made plans to have some new friends from my new little town come over and make them with me this weekend.   Great plan … until I recalled that I didn’t know how to make a wreath and guests would arrive even if I didn’t know! 

So yesterday afternoon Loren brought in a bunch of pine … I gotta say that it looked pretty cool when he walked past the porch window with the pile … so I had him wait out in the freezing cold while I grabbed the camera.  :)  He is a pretty good sport about these things. 


Then we cut the branches … I did all of them on my first attempt last night and then most of them today but this shot is Loren doing the work when we started. 


For “forms” we recycled some wire hangers from decades past and they worked great.  Taking bunches of branches I wired them to the form and in the end I had a wreath! 



Then today the girls came and here are just a couple shots of that.  I was too busy talking to take many.  Ha.  :) 




Each of the 4 wreaths made this afternoon turned out a bit different which was very fun.  It is amazing how the same materials mixed with different personalities create such variety.  It was a great day … now I just have to clean up the mess.  :) 


Small price to pay for spending an afternoon with new friends and to have a house that smells like Christmas. 


  1. Your wreath turned out lovely! And I love all the pictures. That’s a pretty industrious project to take on…..I’d be too much of a wimp to try making a wreath, unless someone else was right there showing me what to do; and even then, it would probably turn out stupid-looking. I am, sadly, not very artsy-craftsy. But it sounds like you had a wonderful time! I am envious of your having all that pine scent in your house—we got our tree today, and it’s not a pine; it’s pretty, though. :)

  2. Your wreath looks great. And, what a wonderful idea to make a party out of it!

  3. I really like your wreath, especially the mix of different evergreens. I’m glad the day went well with your participants, too.

  4. It looks really nice, Steph! I made one out of fake pine…it’s not nearly as pretty. But it stores well! I love the piney smell, though, I don’t get that with my pretend wreath.

  5. White Pine, Norway (Red) Pine, White Spruce, White Cedar: Take your pick. Interersting! What they don’t all grow on the farm.

  6. Your wreath is wonderful! How lucky you are to have such a large variety of different pines that you can mix together…all the more interesting when finished.

  7. Your wreaths are beautiful. I want to make one tomorrow! I have the pine, but I need the wire frame. Am I correct that you used old clothes hangers shapped in a circle? Are there any tricks I need to know to get them to “do right.” Thank you for sharing your wreaths with us…a lovely idea for decoration and a get together.

  8. Summer … nope, no trick to it, just form the hanger into as close of a circle as you can get. :) I did cover the ends that we twisted together with some floral tape (but you could use anykind of tape) so that I didn’t have to concentrate so much on where I was grabbing the ring since it was a little sharp and I am abog wimp! Ha. Good luck! They are so much fun and so pretty.

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