Posted by: poofergirlsperspective | May 16, 2012

Quilt Mathias

Just another quilt. 

This one was for Mathias.  We picked up flannel fabric on a whim this past winter when it was on sale and it has been sitting for months.  From time to time that cute little face would say “big blanket Mom?”.  I made a quick one for Evelyn a little over a year ago that we call her “big giant blanket”, it is about 70×90 inches and he has been waiting for his.  And well, I guess everything just aligned correctly in his favor because I went ahead and put it together the other night. 

It is very fun, and took me less than 5 hours from start to finish.   It helps to make it go quickly when the peices are big and few.

He loves it … which is all a Mom needs to know she did something right.


  1. This is priceless!!! He is such a doll and obviously LOVES his quilt! You are so talented and get so much done…..amazing! I didn’t start quilting until my kids were grown….never had time!

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